DASC Chicago
Shrink Designs
Page suggestions:
Home Page
about/team + subpages
services + subpages
resources + subpages
insurance & fees
The following pages were reviewed & you'll find suggestions for each page.
Let me know your thoughts prior to moving forward.
Home Page Suggestions
Do we want to keep the color scheme?
keep sage & blue with orange accent?
If so, I added the accent colors in the circles.
Change stock image in header?
-stock options added to this page
Remove blog from bottom of page?
add social media platforms to footer?
Team/About Me Suggestions
Change Team to "About" or "Who We Are"
Who We Are
Meet the team
Subpages under Team
Services page suggestions
Do you offer couples therapy? - if so, we can add that below to the drop down
Services drop down
Resource page suggestions
add a resource page
with subpages
for clinicians
and/or professionals
(consultations, continuing edu, training, etc.)
for clients
(privacy & forms, blogs, etc.)
other Suggestions:
- remove "treatments that we use" from "client resources"
(added this under "services" sub page)
- Add blog page under "client resources" or under general "resource page" (or create it's own landing page)
and fees
change/update stock photo in header
Everything else looks fine
Contact page suggestions - things to add
change/update stock image
Updated page so that it's less wordy & redundant
[KEEP ON contact PAGE]
"All calls and contact forms are responded to within 24-36 hours on business days. You can also reach us by phone at 773.494.5505. Please be sure to leave a message so that we know you called and can get back to you. You may also reach our intake coordinator, McKenzie Gallagher, directly at mckenziegallagher@dascchicago.com. **Our physical office locations will be closed, and some groups have been suspended until further notice."
[KEEP OR LEAVE given that it's on the insurance page]
Medicare, Aetna PPO, Optum/United HealthCare and BCBS PPO plans have approved payment for telehealth sessions. We cannot guarantee that other plans will reimburse for telehealth sessions, though DASC will make every effort to seek reimbursement. Clients who are self-pay will continue to pay the same rates. If you have specific billing questions or concerns, please talk to your individual therapist.
Contact page suggestions page 2 - things to remove
put the rest of the paragraph below on that page
"We are using a HIPAA compliant telehealth platform. Your therapist can assist you in using this user friendly technology. You can access our telehealth agreement form here, which we ask that you sign prior to your first telehealth session. Our physical office locations will be closed, and some groups have been suspended until further notice. If you are a group client whose group has been put on hold and would like to schedule time to meet individually in order to reinforce the skills covered in group, please let your therapist know and they will assist you in scheduling. Our hope is to continue to provide individual treatment and select groups to our clients with minimal disruption. We are still accepting new clients, and all intake assessments will be performed via telehealth."